When your carbon steel wok develops a tacky surface…

Chinese Asian cuisine. Empty wok with wooden handles isolated on white background. 3d illustration

Heat the wok over the hob until very hot, then remove from the heat.

Add a tablespoon of salt, then about a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Using a scrunched up piece of kitchen towel, give the surface a good scrub (careful not to burn yourself) until it feels as if most of the gummy residue has come off the pan and onto the towel.

Rinse under the hot tap.

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And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!” And would you like a personalised video message for you or a loved one? Just go to https://www.thrillz.co.uk/talent/aggie.mackenzie and Aggie will record one for you.

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at www.keepfitandcarryon.com


Fishy smell in the kitchen after cooking?

A great way round this is to burn a Price’s Chef’s Candle. It gives off wonderful wafts of basil, patchouli and geranium and sorted the smell very quickly.

And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!” And would you like a personalised video message for you or a loved one? Just go to https://www.thrillz.co.uk/talent/aggie.mackenzie and Aggie will record one for you.

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at http://www.keepfitandcarryon.com


How to clean your duvet

Single duvets can go into the washing machine; check the label for instructions.

Any duvets larger than single normally need to be taken to the launderette but some modern machines have a very large capacity, so check first.

As long as the item goes into the drum easily and there’s a bit of space between the duvet and roof of the drum, you’ll be fine.

And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!” And would you like a personalised video message for you or a loved one? Just go to https://www.thrillz.co.uk/talent/aggie.mackenzie and Aggie will record one for you.

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at http://www.keepfitandcarryon.com


How to store your winter clothes

Either pack away in a spare suitcase, lidded plastic boxes, zip-up plastic bags or those storage bags that hook up to the vacuum cleaner hose to extract air and create an airtight seal (they reduce the volume to about 50 percent, are available cheaply from Argos and can be reused). Fold or roll clothes and wrap in acid-free tissue paper to prevent creasing.

When your case, box or bag is full, sprinkle the top with rosemary, lavender, bay or pieces of cedar to deter moths and other unwelcome critters. Store either on top of the wardrobe, in a drawer under the bed, in a spare room or dry loft.

And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!” And would you like a personalised video message for you or a loved one? Just go to https://www.thrillz.co.uk/talent/aggie.mackenzie and Aggie will record one for you.

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at http://www.keepfitandcarryon.com


How to keep your nails clean when gardening

Gardening gloves are sometimes awkward, and rubber gloves are plain odd in the garden.

I don’t like getting soil right under my nails, though, as it takes so long to clean out. What I do is stick a bar of soap under the warm tap then run my nails down the length of the bar.

That way, the space under the nails is taken up and there’s no spare room for the dirt! Good, too, for little ones when they’re painting or making mud pies.

Afterwards, just take a wet nailbrush gently along the undersides.

And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!” And would you like a personalised video message for you or a loved one? Just go to https://www.thrillz.co.uk/talent/aggie.mackenzie and Aggie will record one for you.

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at http://www.keepfitandcarryon.com


Perk up your jewellery

If your jewellery is looking a little dull or faded, try soaking it in vodka for a few minutes, then rinse with water. They should be sparkling again in no time.

And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!”

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at www.keepfitandcarryon.com 

Bird droppings

Bird droppings can be dangerous, particularly if you inhale airborne particles. If cleaning up bird poo, hose down first, and to be extra safe wear a dust mask from a hardware shop.

And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!”

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at www.keepfitandcarryon.com 

Be careful cleaning your loo seat

Some loo cleaners can damage permanently.

And if it gets colour spots or the wood becomes bleached, there’s no easy remedy.

Clean the seat with plain water and a microfibre cloth (pop in the washing machine afterwards).

And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!”

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at www.keepfitandcarryon.com 

Follow these rules for a great night’s sleep


tatyanaBuzmakova_Krasnova (CC0), Pixabay

Sheets and pillowcases ought to be washed once a week. It’s a good idea to do it on a specific day; that way it becomes part of your routine.

A 60C cycle is best for cottons, particularly if you have an asthma-related condition (anything below this temperature probably won’t kill dust mites).

Duvets should be washed once a year. A single size can usually go in the washing machine but anything bigger will have to be taken to the launderette. Make sure it’s completely dried before using again, if particularly down- or feather-filled. And dry quickly because if not the feathers can go mouldy, which will give a nasty smell you’ll never get rid of. Avoid dry-cleaning duvets because the solvent will leave a residue on the feathers.

Pillows will be filled with either feather, down or synthetic material. See the label for wash instructions, but normally you’ll be able to wash two at a time. Once or twice a year will be enough. Again, dry thoroughly and as quickly as possible to avoid mould. You may notice a difference in the weight post-wash! Pillow protectors are well worth using between washes.

Headboards can take on marks where a greasy head has been in contact. If it’s fabric, spot clean with an upholstery cleaner, but don’t overwet or you could end up with watermarks. If veneer or vinyl, wipe with warm soapy water and dry with a clean cotton cloth.

The space under the bed will get very dusty so pull out everything about once a month, and move the bed to one side to vacuum thoroughly. This will keep moths and carpet beetles away, and the dustmites under control.

Mattresses can end up looking pretty nasty. Unless the label says ‘Do not turn’, turn it over every three months to extend its life (and your comfort). Vacuuming it will make a huge difference to reducing the dustmite population. If you don’t have one already, use a mattress protector (waterproof for young children or anyone with incontinence problems). To remove stains, use a foamy mix of hand-wash detergent. Don’t overwet. Make sure it is completely dry before making up the bed again (use a hairdryer to speed things up). If there are any nasty smells there, sprinkle with bicarbonate of soda, leave a few hours then vacuum off.

And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!” And would you like a personalised video message for you or a loved one? Just go to https://www.thrillz.co.uk/talent/aggie.mackenzie and Aggie will record one for you.

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at www.keepfitandcarryon.com

How to remove milk that has burnt in saucepan

Great way to remove milk that has burnt in saucepan just add a dishwasher tablet, boil up for a few minutes and scrape off the burnt bits.

This is a tip from Miriam



And if you have a household tip to share with our followers just click here >

And did you know that Aggie Mackenzie is a qualified Yoga Teacher? Join her now for “Aggie’s Yoga!” And would you like a personalised video message for you or a loved one? Just go to https://www.thrillz.co.uk/talent/aggie.mackenzie and Aggie will record one for you.

Or check out Diana Moran’s fitness website at www.keepfitandcarryon.com